Tuesday, December 22, 2015

the BEST peppermint bark

17 oz white chocolate chips
7 oz bittersweet chocolate (we have used milk or semi sweet and it tastes great either way)
6 TBLs heavy whipping cream
3/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
6 or so candy canes crushed up

1. cover a large cookie sheet with foil and mark off a 12x9 inch rectangle on the foil.
2. in a double boiler melt white chocolate chips. Don't go too far or it will seize up, if it's still a little lumpy it will spread and be fine.
3. pour 2/3 cup of the melted white chocolate chips onto foil. spread 1/4 cup of the crushed candy canes on top.
4. Chill in fridge for 15 minutes.
5. Melt down bittersweet chocolate on low heat with the cream and peppermint extract, stir constantly. Once melted pour on to the top of hardened white chocolate and candy canes. Refrigerate/cool for 25 minutes.
6. Reheat the remaining white chocolate chips and evenly spread on top of the bittersweet chocolate and top with the remaining candy canes. Chill for 20 minutes, or until hardened.
7. Cut into pieces and enjoy! Keep refrigerated.

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