Sunday, August 10, 2014

Homemade Laundry Detergent

This recipe is found on   She has a photograph of all the ingredients if you have any questions.   We have been using this detergent for about two months now and I feel it really cleans our clothes.

1 box Super Washing Soda (3 lb 7 oz)
1 box Borax (4 lb 12 oz)
1 box Pure Baking Soda (4 lb)
3 bars Fels-Naptha (5.5 oz)
1 container Oxy-Clean (1.3 lb)
1 container Downy Unstoppables for scent (28 oz)

1.   Grate your Fels-Naptha bars.   You can use a cheese grater to do this, but you can also use your food processor.   Using the food processor grate the bar like cheese and then use the regular blade to grate down fine.

2. Combine all the ingredients listed above in a container of your choice. Mix well.

3.   This makes 18 lbs. of laundry detergent.

4.   Use only 1-2 Tablespoons per load.   It is very concentrated.

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